


The other day I wrote about how my wife knows that I love her: because I turn her light off. Literally thousands of people have read that post since then, and the general theme is, the women go, Ohhh and the guys go, Dude sssshhh. :-) I have received so much direct comment, I thought I would share how such a strange thing came about.

The simple answer is :

I have literally loved this woman since the moment we met. We were individually told that we would be perfect for each other, and, as we thought that was ridiculous, we each spent the next few months avoiding each other and fighting the "setups".

Anyway one day, not knowing who she was, I saw her walk across the room at a party and all I could say to myself was "WOW". She was beautiful. She had this fluid movement when she walked, and I was transfixed ... the search for me was all over from our first conversation. She was confident, clever, funny, and I was in love, literally from that night ... In fact I evidently told her niece this when I picked Sonya up for our second or third date.

That was in December and we were engaged in February. If our meeting felt like a fairy tale, our relationship at times, however, has been a bit more of a challenge. She has lost both her parents ... Her brother took his life a week or so after our wedding ... She left her family when we moved to New Zealand so that I could follow my dreams ... and I can be difficult to be with.

I get engrossed in things, especially work and can get distracted for months on end... Sadly, at times, despite her loving and strong spirit, life is hard and I only ever want her to be happy ... To borrow a saying from my uncle ... "She's my girl"

I guess this is summed up in the saying "Love is a condition where another person's happiness is essential to your own."

It's been over 18 years now, and we've always been in love. I guess like all relationships there have been ebbs and flows as we've grown apart and then back together again ... She has cared for me and dedicated her life to me and my family.

So it's actually very simple ...

If I love her so much, and she has done so much for me ... waking up, getting out of bed each night and turning her light off seems the very least I can do to make her happy and to say "I love you"

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