
Ok ... Truth is, I'm not really sure what this is about. But I love the artistry in this sort of work ... powerful images and music, strangely moving in an odd sort of way. Hat tip to EpicGirl To View More >>

I saw my blog traffic jump by a huge amount yesterday, with most traffic coming from Stumbleupon, and I wondered how I could check who had reviewed me, and what they had said. I found a webpage on Stumbleupon that links to this information. It doesn't seem to be directly accessible from your user account but I found part of the answer in this post. You need to build a URL using a base URL of: plus the page URL, eg This means the full URL would be To View More >>

In business there are no magic bullets, but this idea is so powerful it certainly feels like magic. I ran into an old friend yesterday, and it reminded me of a series of seminars I ran a few years ago that contained a section on how to increase profits. Especially when times are tough, it's great to be able to break things down into some simple rules that allow you to know where to focus, so I'll share this very simple but powerful idea with you now. Gross Profit is calculated on an "averaged basis" as: (Total number of clients x Average number of visits per year x Average sale x Average margin) To View More >>

 Photo by Brett Harkness I just wrote about why I love photograph albums, but the story got a little long so I've edited it. I guess the truth is we love the industry, the books and just as importantly, we love design. Queensberry's love and focus on design is a story all by itself. Let's face it, though, some albums suck ... Sorry but they do. The book is cheap and plasticky, and no consideration is given to what photos are included. A great album is so much more. I'm not trying to turn this into a shameless plug, and I know quality is subjective, but I believe we produce the world's finest To View More >>

Sitting here eating my sushi today ... my mind wandered and I found myself considering the answer to that eternal quesiton ... "What is the meaning of life". I have heard the answer is "69" but although that sounds like fun, it seems a little to simple. So I wondered quietly ... maybe if I allowed myself a couple of minutes the internet might have the answer ... ha ha ok google might. Here is a couple of things I found ... The "big question" has a wiki page ... to see it click here Ok I don't have that long to read ... I live in a modern world ... I need answers NOW OMG it even has an FAQ Yawn To View More >>