
I am so often asked where I find my motivation, why do I do what I do and what is the vision I have for my life.< The truth is I'm not really certain ... Things just evolved over time ... I guess I am curious, want to have fun and grew up with the desire to do something legendary. I have great big goals for the distant future, a general idea of what the medium term will look like and a pretty good idea of what my focus will be over the next to 6 - 12 months. What surprises me most is how little some people know about themselves. They are on autopilot! Out of curiosity, I as ask them...
    What's your favourite food ... "I don't know" What's your favourite colour ... "I don't know" What did you dream about as a kid ... "I can't remember"
This same person could probably name every player of their favourite sports team, but is dissatisfied at work because they feel trapped. Of course this isn't true of all people, and we all have different examples of this but if they don't even know what they like eating what hope is there for confidence in the rest of their life. Enjoy this video where Anthony Robbins talks about motivation. He is an extraordinary speaker, entertaining and deeply insightful.
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