

I came accross the following statement on Deborah Day Poors website tonight "Pleasers have good hearts. They are willing to give much, and all they want in return is for everyone to be nice. However, their best attempts to please and create peace backfire. They end up leading chaotic, hectic, hellish lives." It's hard to find a truer word said. In fact, I was at a Tony Robbins event, "Date With Destiny (DWD)" on the Gold Coast last month, and this concept of being a "Pleaser" was central to many peoples problems. One guy had it so bad he affectionately became known as "Pussy Boy" I certainly have To View More >>

Bob Marley to me is one of the greatest singers ever ... I love the sound, I love the words ... I love the feeling. Good friends we have, good friends we've lost along the way In this great future, you can't forget your past ... So dry your tears I say No woman. No Cry! I think that says it all.... Life is a journey, enjoy it as it shows up, don't make it complicated, just know that ... "Everythings, going to be all right." To View More >>

A few years ago while attending a Leadership course in San Diego I saw a presentation by Gary King. It was incredible, not only did he talk from the heart, but what he said was profound in it's simplicity and as he touched my soul he changed my life. At that event he issued, and I accepted, a challenge ... that challenge was called the "The 24 Hour Truth Challenge" It was hard, especially as 24 hours turned into a week, then a month and now a couple of years. I have learnt a lot about myself during that time as I did find I told some little white lies, as I think we all do. More importantly however To View More >>

I had my first play with WolframAlpha this morning. I was watching the launch on and saw the search url people we using. By doing this I got around the opening soon window ... Hope that's ok. Anyway very cool. Sorry for the poor video really just recording my play. The big thing is knowing what you can do and how to approach searching. Was very fast until they started load testing and then things started timing out. Cool as a first experience though. To View More >>

As I watched an introductory video for the WolframAlpha launch, my memory raced back to when I first saw the internet in the early 90's and told my wife how it was going to "change the world". WolframAlpha isn't a search engine like Google, it's something completely different. In my opinion there is a place for both as they do things differently ... but if this gets hold this will change the world. It's offers a completely revolutionary way of looking at data and for the average person to explore relationships. As Danny and I discussed today, we can in our heads imagine how the search works at To View More >>