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FilmFellas from Steve Weiss, Zacuto USA on Vimeo. I just came across this short film by Steve Weiss, that I thought was amazing and wanted to share. Watch it now and tell me what you think. It's a discussion over dinner about the future of movie making and TV vs publishing films on the internet. I found it profound, I mean think about the contrast between the desire to have your work seen on the big screen, a goal most film makers aspire to but few reach versus the ability to publish tomorrow on the internet and be seen by millions. Oh and BTW isn't the quality of Vimeo mind blowing. To View More >>
One of the incredible blessings of working in the Queensberry Group is the wonderful people we get to spend our time with, and few are more inspiring than Peter Haythornthwaite. [flickr]photo:3099049094[/flickr] I was sitting at the kitchen table about to take a photo of this wood pigeon when I got an email from Peter commenting on my blog. Amongst other things he said "I guess a natural 'other' would be small videos of family discoveries at the beach - your area, your 'forest' area, your Titirangi - why do you live there etc." The timing made me smile as this beautiful bird perfectly symbolizes To View More >>
Ok ... Truth is, I'm not really sure what this is about. But I love the artistry in this sort of work ... powerful images and music, strangely moving in an odd sort of way. Hat tip to EpicGirl To View More >>
In business there are no magic bullets, but this idea is so powerful it certainly feels like magic. I ran into an old friend yesterday, and it reminded me of a series of seminars I ran a few years ago that contained a section on how to increase profits. Especially when times are tough, it's great to be able to break things down into some simple rules that allow you to know where to focus, so I'll share this very simple but powerful idea with you now. Gross Profit is calculated on an "averaged basis" as: (Total number of clients x Average number of visits per year x Average sale x Average margin) To View More >>
'Wake Up Cat' is by an English animator called Simon Tofield and it is actually called 'Cat Man Do'. He works for an animation company called Tandem Films. I think Simon must have met our cat Sabby as this is what we go through every morning with him ... To View More >>