

I was reading Paulo Coelho's blog today, and came across a wonderful post from a few days ago, discussing ones "personal legend". It is a wonderful reminder of our need to pursue what is deep within us, what it takes and why some fail. Like so much of his writing, I would thoroughly recomend taking a few minutes to read it. Conversation with the master the personal legend To View More >>

FilmFellas from Steve Weiss, Zacuto USA on Vimeo. I just came across this short film by Steve Weiss, that I thought was amazing and wanted to share. Watch it now and tell me what you think. It's a discussion over dinner about the future of movie making and TV vs publishing films on the internet. I found it profound, I mean think about the contrast between the desire to have your work seen on the big screen, a goal most film makers aspire to but few reach versus the ability to publish tomorrow on the internet and be seen by millions. Oh and BTW isn't the quality of Vimeo mind blowing. To View More >>

Danny and I are in Germany at present, Cologne (Köln) to be specific, visiting the Photokina trade fair. It's been a whirlwind tour through Europe getting here. In 5 days we travelled through Las Angeles, London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and Cologne. What an incredible week of contrasts. The cities, especially Paris and Amsterdam, were incredible, so romantic with their old world charm and architecture, but with unfortunate modern contrasts. If Mc Donalds down the road from Notre Dame wasn't enough, how about the accommodation we have in Cologne? This is a table in the restaurant. The place To View More >>