
CATEGORY: Your Personal Legend

I was reading Paulo Coelho's blog today, and came across a wonderful post from a few days ago, discussing ones "personal legend". It is a wonderful reminder of our need to pursue what is deep within us, what it takes and why some fail. Like so much of his writing, I would thoroughly recomend taking a few minutes to read it. Conversation with the master the personal legend To View More >>

My career started the traditional way, many moons ago, running a lemonade stand, collecting coke bottles, mowing lawns, and basically doing anything I could to turn a dollar. While at university in the late 80s I installed computer systems for a legal firm, and worked in hospitality as a waiter at the Regent Hotel in Auckland. I also worked in the family handcraft/souvenir store, Earthworks, in Parnell, Auckland. Computers were my favourite toys. My Dad had been into computers since before either the Mac or the PC (those were the days), so even though there were no computers in schools I was a To View More >>